heal & expand into the 


version of yourself

You’ve already put time, money, and energy into your healing journey—therapy, reiki, mindset & inner child work…phew, it can be *a lot*. (I know bb, I’ve been there!) While you definitely see progress, you’re still not *quite* where you want to be. Maybe you’re getting stuck in unhelpful patterns, or just have the inner knowing that there’s more pieces that have yet to click together. So, where to look from here?

shift your reality

using the body & the breath to

more about Nicole

*All my trauma-informed offerings are rooted in deepening your connection with the innate wisdom of your body and heart.*
We do this through breathwork, heart-centered coaching, and somatics (working with the mind-body connection.) This enables you to be the most genuine and intuitive version of yourself, which is good news for the whole mf planet.

*Enter, stage left: me, with my big a$$ box of healing tools*

Do you notice you frequently get stuck in the scroll, need a lil’ somethin’ to take the edge off on a regular basis, and/or find yourself in a perpetual state of “meh”?

Then this 5-week, self-paced course is for you. In it, we examine the root cause of numbing patterns and explore different mind & body healing techniques that will enable you to numb less and be more of your genuine self.

DeNumbing Course

click here to access course

looking for a *bit* more? check out:

These deeply healing 60-minute sessions are guided by a clear intention that we create together, and then set into motion using holotropic breathwork, reiki, and other somatic tools to help you feel lighter, clearer, and more in flow.

Healing & Expansion Sessions

Virtual or in person (my studio space is in Greenpoint, Brooklyn)

I'm interested

looking for somethin' else? check out:

A depthful seven-month journey that we embark on together. This is for the sweetie that’s ready to receive loving guidance and clear mirroring in order to create that project or business, make that big move, (or whatever it is you're feeling stuck with!) You're in the right place if you're ready to experience profound uplevels and are ready to transform your reality into one that’s intuition-led and feels juicy AF.     

1:1 Mentorship Program

let’s chat to see if we’re a match

Book a free call here

Not what you're looking for? Check out:

  • 60 minute sessions every other week
  • Unlimited voice messaging M-F
  • Full access to all in-person & virtual events    

“What I got from working with Nicole was life changing. It really helped me connect with myself and my body. I’ve done a lot of self development before this point, but this gave me the ability to really tap into myself…I really feel capable of stepping into the next creative pursuit that I’m about to start, and it helped me immensely with a transition to move overseas.”

- kate, 1:1 coaching client


“I have been able to achieve a sense of peace, to accept and love myself and practice more patience and compassion with myself AND in my relationships. My sessions with Nicole go so much deeper than I’m able to achieve independently. She is one of the most intuitive, wise, and loving presences that I’ve ever experienced in all my work with somatic healers.”

- natalie, healing & expansion sessions


“Nicole really allowed me to believe in myself and encouraged me to feel all the feels. She helped me create a space that allowed me to be aware of my feelings without judgment. Eventually this gave me more confidence, clarity, and trust in myself.”

- Bridget, 1:1 Mentorship program


“After my session, I felt physically connected to my body and energetically expanded. I quickly received puzzle pieces that were connected to my intention, and have been expanding my personal understanding and awareness since then.”

- Sara, healing & expansion sessions


"I can’t thank Nicole enough for her help in helping me stand in my own power as a healer and as a coach. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her…she’s helped me merge the soul and the strategy of my business in a way that feels really good in my body. If you’re feeling stuck, you have to work with her!”

- Kimberly, healing & expansion sessions

rave reviews

As a former high school English teacher turned trauma-informed breathwork facilitator, reiki practitioner, and certified somatic coach (pending graduation in June 2023), it’s my mission to help you heal and expand into an elevated version of yourself.

I *know* what it’s like to be in the depths of burnout, numb, anxiety, and running on autopilot. I spent most of my teens and 20’s in a place where my emotions and ego were running the show. I felt like I was at the mercy of ✨life.✨ Nothing seemed in my control as I watched my path unfold of its own accord while I sat helpless in the passenger seat. And we’re not talking about being in a state of flowy surrender—nah, this was passivity and victimhood.

My healing journey consciously started when I began meditating everyday out of pure desperation to calm the chaos that was happening inside of my mind and body. Over time, this led to me going to therapy, which led to going to reiki, which led to hiring multiple coaches, which led to experiencing breathwork & somatics…(and the journey continues!)

a lil' about me

As this was happening, so was my spiritual awakening. I made it a daily practice to deeply connect with my intuition, and to trust my inner knowing enough to take action based on those inner nudges (with the support of various coaches & healers, ofc.) One of these inner nudges was to quit my job—so I did. I left teaching in 2020 to start Wellness with Ms. Wolf, and to deepen my expertise as a healer and become certified, working with many soulmate clients along the way.

If you’re here reading this right now, if you feel pulled to my energy in any way, **that is for a reason.** I deeply believe that the more we ALL uplevel and step into alignment with our unique purposes, the better off the collective is. This isn’t just about me or you—it’s about making the Earth a brighter place and receiving all the goodness we desire in the process.

It’s my absolute honor to serve as a loving guide and mentor in this process. Whether you’re here for the breathwork freebie (have you gotten it yet?!) or are going to work with me long-term, *all* of you is deeply welcome here.

My intention is for us to co-create a space where you feel safe, held, seen, loved, and lit the f up—truly tapped into your heart’s desires and the courage needed to make sh*t happen.

a lil' more about me

At the end of the day we’re all just walking each other home, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than on that journey together. ♡

I'm ready for take off

As this was happening, so was my spiritual awakening. I made it a daily practice to deeply connect with my intuition, and to trust my inner knowing enough to take action based on those inner nudges (with the support of various coaches & healers, ofc.) One of these inner nudges was to quit my job—so I did. I left teaching in 2020 to start Wellness with Ms. Wolf, and to deepen my expertise as a healer and become certified, working with many soulmate clients along the way.

If you’re here reading this right now, if you feel pulled to my energy in any way, **that is for a reason.** I deeply believe that the more we ALL uplevel and step into alignment with our unique purposes, the better off the collective is. This isn’t just about me or you—it’s about making the Earth a brighter place and receiving all the goodness we desire in the process.

It’s my absolute honor to serve as a loving guide and mentor in this process. Whether you’re here for the breathwork freebie (have you gotten it yet?!) or are going to work with me long-term, *all* of you is deeply welcome here.

My intention is for us to co-create a space where you feel safe, held, seen, loved, and lit the f up—truly tapped into your heart’s desires and the courage needed to make sh*t happen.

At the end of the day we’re all just walking each other home, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than on that journey together. ♡

I'm ready for take off

a lil' more about me

lowkey obsessed w/

matcha lattes

my passion planner

my monstera, jane

writing in my journal

Prospect park in brooklyn

mexico City

wanna hang IRL? 
Get the scoop on upcoming events

In person and virtual experiences that feel like a warm hug for your soul. 

Come join us in this somatic healing experience where we’ll connect with your inner child through the breath & movement. 

No prior Breathwork experience needed!
August 8, 2024 @ 4pm
Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Inner child breathwork workshop

Intuition Connection:
A Breathwork Workshop

go back 

Come join us for an afternoon of community, healing, and deep connection with your intuition as we journey and explore using the body + breath.


Thank you!

we will be in touch :)

let's work together

follow along for more